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Hey! myself

M. Shahnawaz Alam

A skilled software engineer

I'm an explorer, learner, and Twitter addict. What more could you ask for?

About me

A skilled software developer, passionate about creating innovative solutions and utilizing the latest technologies. With a strong desire to constantly learn and improve, I am always seeking new challenges and opportunities to expand my skill set and contribute to the success of the team.
  Seeking to be inspired, to work hard for the things that are worth it, and love to be surrounded by people who are on the same track. 

Here are few of the technologies I have worked with:




A web portal for the students of MCA at NIT Kurukshetra. Designed with an objective of sharing useful resources with the students. Started with just subject materials, MCA Box has now plethora of valuable & exclusive resources.


Mark Me Present

Records the list of students present during a google meet session and assign their corresponding roll numbers to them, process this data into a spreadsheet, ready to share.


COVID-19 Tracker - India

Visualisation of Choropleth map to show the details of COVID-19 cases for Indian states and union territories. This was carried out using pandas and folium library for python.

Crime Chatbot

Class Schedule Website

This website features up-to-date class time table of my class (MCA 3rd Sem). Moreover it lists all the other necessary information related to teaching staffs and current subjects.

Crime Chatbot

Chat Web App

A fully responsive real-time chat application built on Node JS using package. In this application a user can create a room and chat with other users in the same room.

Crime Chatbot

Crime Chatbot

It was developed for Crime reports' registration and its awareness. This was made using Google's DialogFlow. This project was presented at Smart India Hackathon 2020.


I'd love to hear from you!
